The gold market is ever-changing. Do you have jewelry sitting around in your jewelry box? A purchase from years ago you no longer wear or that ring from your ex you cannot stand to look at anymore?
Broken items
Class rings
Dental material
Diamond pins, rings & stud earrings
Loose diamonds
Estate jewelry
Platinum rings
Single earrings
Therm-coupling wire
Wedding bands & much more.
All testing, weighing and pricing will be done right in front of you.
We sort your items by the type of precious or non precious metal it appears to be, so there is no need to pre-sort your items prior to visiting us. Diamond jewelry is priced separately.
Each piece is identified by examining the stamping to determine the karat of the jewelry.
Many items are unmarked, therefore, we run two separate types of tests. First, a small amount of gold is scratch tested. This scratch test will allow us to determine the karat composition by the acid's reaction with absolutely no harm to your jewelry or diamonds. Second, we offer electronic testing. Our electronic testing allows us to determine gold content up to .999.
After your items have been sorted, identified & tested, the items are weighed using certified scales in pennyweights & Troy ounces.
Using up to the minute market values a cash offer is calculated & offered to you.
Stop by and receive instant cash today. Also, ask about our 10% jewelry loans.